
星期四下課經過market square發現只有這個地方沒電 本來以為大概是挖東西弄到power line沒想到回家看到新聞才知道鬧的很大!這個地方有很多華人餐館跟商店,整日都是車水馬隆好不熱鬧.這次一開始的起火地點在一個中國超商,也波及了旁邊好多加商行,有麵包店,飲茶海鮮店,旅行社,越南菜店還有幾家小店~


大自然真的是很神奇!雖然這次不知為什麼原因起火,真正的大火也是人都很難控制的呢! 希望這些店家能快點走出來,另外這個商場可以把消防設施弄好些(他們最近把廁所裝修的很漂亮,不過看來錢是花錯地方囉~~)

Sunnybank blaze contained
March 29, 2007 06:25pm

A FIRE burning at a Brisbane shopping centre has been contained, firefighters say.

Market Square shopping centre in Sunnybank ignited just after 5.30pm, engulfing about 10 shops at the corner of the centre.

A Queensland Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said firefighters were battling to extinguish the blaze, which had now been contained to several individual shops.

A witness on the site told The Courier-Mail that the blaze started in the Malaya Restaurant.

Concerns had been held for homes surrounding the centre but none were being threatened at 7pm.

The fire was expected to burn for several more hours.

Roads around the centre have been closed and thick smoke is covering surrounding suburbs.

Meanwhile, a fire which evacuated two floors of the Jupiters Casino, on the Gold Coast, has been extinguished.

A QFRS spokeswoman said a fire had started in the roof of the seventh floor around 6pm but had been extinguished by 6.30pm .

The sixth and seventh floors were evacuated and three people were treated for smoke inhalation.

The cause of the fire was being investigated.sunnybank blaze

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