Marie Antoinette (2006)
(1) IMDB
目前分類:Marie Antoinette (7)
- Oct 29 Mon 2007 20:16
Marie Antoinette(凡爾賽拜金女/絕代艷后)
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 13:02
"Marie Antoinette" Clips Galore
10-11-2006 (07:01:32)
A whole bunch of media has recently become available for the drama, "Marie Antoinette." There are several minute-long scenes, a few TV spots, and a featurette, all worth checking out.
The film revolves around infamous historical figure Marie-Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst) who, at the age of 14, was sent away by her mother to marry the 15-year-old Louis-Auguste (Jason Schwartzman), grandson of Louis XV (Rip Torn) and heir to the French throne. Although she was a despised figure and was eventually beheaded, the film looks empathetically at her private life following the arranged marriage.
The film received its share of "boos" for its historical inaccuracies at the Cannes Film Festival this year, but that was to be expected. Oscar winning writer-director Sofia Coppola is known for making very gentle and highly personal movies, which is not what the French were hoping to see given the fact that the film revolves around their history.
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 12:54
news:《絕代艷后》被噓 導演索菲婭-科波拉很受傷
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 12:50
14歲的她哪里能想到自己的未來將在這動蕩不安的亂世和自己的感情之間浮浮沉沉。 14歲就當了太子妃,19歲成了法國皇後,有著太重太重的責任和壓力在瑪麗的肩膀上面,這些責任都等著她去面對,要與比她年長的貴族夫人們應對,懂得在這奢華浮靡的凡爾賽宮生存,要適應奧地利與法國政治間的勾心斗角,的確對直率熱情的她的確是一個重大的考驗。
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 12:46
本片可以說是科波拉迄今為止最野心勃勃的一部影片。每一個鏡頭都是對眼睛的愛撫。華麗的服裝,美輪美奐的宮殿,都帶給我們古老而夢幻般的氣息,這是在她以前的影片中看不到的。她能夠在一個鏡頭中給我們傳達如此之多的信息。科波拉善于講述美麗的故事,現在看來這部影片中故事似乎沒有眼睛的觸覺重要。從觀看影片的第一刻起,我們就很清楚的看到本片是一個比經典的簡‧奧斯汀的影片更具有迷幻魅力的展示精美服裝的影片。可以說從視覺效果上來說這是科波拉最成功的作品。而本片的攝影師Lance Accord用粉紅色的基調給我們營造了一種柔美的蠟筆畫的氣氛,使影片更具有超現實的風格。
不過有一位不願透露姓名的法國批評家形容本片:“枯燥的空殼,不知道戛納的評委為何會選它,觀眾們將觀看到鍍金的十八世紀的貴族生活,空虛,吃喝玩樂,再空虛厭倦。雖然厭倦和填補心靈空間是電影的小技巧,科波拉在《迷失東京》(lost in translation)中處理得很好,但對于本片卻是徹底的失敗。似乎瑪麗-安托瓦內特就是如今的帕里斯‧希爾頓等豪門艷女之流”。
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 10:59
Bio of Maria-Antonia-Josepha-Johanna
Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), Queen Consort (1774-1792) of Louis XVI of France. Marie Antoinette’s unpopularity helped discredit the monarchy in the period before the French Revolution.
Born in Vienna on November 2, 1755, Marie Antoinette was one of the daughters of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa. Her marriage in 1770 to Louis, the heir to the French throne, was intended to cement an alliance between France and her parents’ dynasty, the Habsburgs of Austria. After her husband succeeded to the throne in 1774, the couple had two daughters and two sons: Marie-Thérèse (1778), Louis-Joseph Xavier François (1781, who died in 1789), Louis-Charles (1785), and Marie Sophie Hélène Beatrice (1786, who died a year later).
Disliked by the French as a foreigner, Marie made herself more unpopular by her devotion to the interests of Austria, the bad reputations of some of her friends, and her extravagance, which was mistakenly blamed for the financial problems of the French government. In 1776 she spent 150,000 livres on a garden, built a theatre, and gave expensive banquets. Although Marie was apparently more conscious of avoiding conspicuous spending in the 1780s, especially damaging was her supposed connection in 1785 with the so-called Diamond Necklace Affair, a scandal involving the fraudulent purchase of some jewels. In 1787 it was revealed that the royal family had spent nearly 1,250 million livres, when France’s total income was only 560 million livres. People in France made a connection between Marie’s friends, royal favourites, and corruption in government. There is no evidence that on being told that the poor had no bread she said, “Let them eat cake” to the women of Paris, but this apocryphal story stands as a mark of her reputation before and after the French Revolution.
After the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, Marie Antoinette sided with the intransigents at court who opposed compromise with the moderate revolutionaries, and began appealing for help to her brother, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II. Marie and Louis tried to escape from Paris with their surviving son Louis-Charles in 1791— the flight to Varennes, but they were captured and brought back as prisoners. In 1792 the monarchy was overthrown, and, after the execution of the king and separation from her son, she was sent before the revolutionary tribunal the following year. She was charged with a number of conspiracies. The revolutionaries maintained that she had forced her husband to veto legislation against the French clergy; they also emphasized her greed, and accused her of sending money to her brother Leopold for use against France. Sentenced to death for treason, she was guillotined in Paris on October 16, 1793.
- Feb 07 Wed 2007 10:54
今年5月的康城影展,名導演哥普拉的愛女蘇菲亞(Sofia Coppola)以雄厚的家族背景,加上前作《迷失東京》的餘威,獻出新片Marie-Antoinette,結果換來劣評如潮,法國傳媒群起攻之。唯一的掌聲,可能只有配樂部分。
蘇菲亞是不少時裝設計師(像Louis Vuitton的總帥Marc Jacobs)的靈感女神,她對美藝與潮流的觸覺,冠絕同代電影人,猶其在音樂方面,由處女導演作《鎖不住的青春》,到橫掃不少獎項的《迷失東京》,她把法國二人電音組合Air的浪漫迷幻氛圍,帶到美國甚至全球觀眾的面前。講述18世紀法國大革命最後被送上斷頭台的瑪麗王後Marie-Antoinette,又怎會是電影音樂迷可以錯過﹖
蘇菲亞感興趣的故事主角,從來都是年輕女性,像《鎖》片自殺的幾姊妹、《迷失東京》的史嘉麗祖安遜,後來她遇上第三部電影的主角──Antonia Fraser傳記故事?的瑪麗王後。