
Marie Antoinette (1755-1793), Queen Consort (1774-1792) of Louis XVI of France. Marie Antoinette’s unpopularity helped discredit the monarchy in the period before the French Revolution.

Born in Vienna on November 2, 1755, Marie Antoinette was one of the daughters of Holy Roman Emperor Francis I and Empress Maria Theresa. Her marriage in 1770 to Louis, the heir to the French throne, was intended to cement an alliance between France and her parents’ dynasty, the Habsburgs of Austria. After her husband succeeded to the throne in 1774, the couple had two daughters and two sons: Marie-Thérèse (1778), Louis-Joseph Xavier François (1781, who died in 1789), Louis-Charles (1785), and Marie Sophie Hélène Beatrice (1786, who died a year later).

Disliked by the French as a foreigner, Marie made herself more unpopular by her devotion to the interests of Austria, the bad reputations of some of her friends, and her extravagance, which was mistakenly blamed for the financial problems of the French government. In 1776 she spent 150,000 livres on a garden, built a theatre, and gave expensive banquets. Although Marie was apparently more conscious of avoiding conspicuous spending in the 1780s, especially damaging was her supposed connection in 1785 with the so-called Diamond Necklace Affair, a scandal involving the fraudulent purchase of some jewels. In 1787 it was revealed that the royal family had spent nearly 1,250 million livres, when France’s total income was only 560 million livres. People in France made a connection between Marie’s friends, royal favourites, and corruption in government. There is no evidence that on being told that the poor had no bread she said, “Let them eat cake” to the women of Paris, but this apocryphal story stands as a mark of her reputation before and after the French Revolution.

After the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, Marie Antoinette sided with the intransigents at court who opposed compromise with the moderate revolutionaries, and began appealing for help to her brother, Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II. Marie and Louis tried to escape from Paris with their surviving son Louis-Charles in 1791— the flight to Varennes, but they were captured and brought back as prisoners. In 1792 the monarchy was overthrown, and, after the execution of the king and separation from her son, she was sent before the revolutionary tribunal the following year. She was charged with a number of conspiracies. The revolutionaries maintained that she had forced her husband to veto legislation against the French clergy; they also emphasized her greed, and accused her of sending money to her brother Leopold for use against France. Sentenced to death for treason, she was guillotined in Paris on October 16, 1793.



瑪麗·安東尼特 (Marie Antoinette)(1755年-1793年),法國王後。生於維也納。是瑪麗亞·特裡薩(Marie Theresa, 1717-1780)與弗朗茨一世之女,利奧波德二世之妹。 1770年與路易十六結婚,以加強法奧聯盟。她對路易十六的影響很大。 她任性輕浮,不遵守習俗,倍受非議。 因為她的祖國奧地利是法國的宿敵,法國人在思想深處就憎恨這個奧地利女人。所以他們稱她是“赤字夫人”(Madame Deficit)。她維護奧地利的利益,反對革命。 法國大革命爆發後有拒絕君主立憲派的勸告,使得君主制脫離人民。1791年6月企圖同路易十六一起逃離土伊勒里宮回奧地利,但在維洛那被捕,押回巴黎囚禁。在國王被處斬後,她被交付審判並被送上斷頭臺。

瑪麗·安東尼特是奧地利女皇瑪麗亞·特裡薩和弗朗茨一世的第十五個孩子(最小的女兒,她還有一個弟弟)。1755年11月2日她出生在維也納霍夫堡皇宮。她被取名為瑪麗亞·安東尼特·約瑟芬·約翰娜(Maria-Antonia-Josepha-Johanna)。 瑪麗亞是以紀念聖母瑪麗亞, 安東尼特是紀念帕多瓦的聖安東尼, 約瑟芬是紀念她的哥哥約瑟夫大公,約翰娜是紀念傳教士聖約翰。 一位大臣是這樣描述這個新生兒的:「一個小小的但完全健康的皇女。」

瑪麗·安東尼特在比她大兩歲的姐姐瑪麗亞·卡羅萊納和比她大一歲的哥哥馬克斯陪伴下長大。她其它的哥哥約瑟夫二世, 利奧波德二世和Ferdinand-Karl - 已經在哈布斯堡帝國里扮演重要的角色。

有個關於她孩童時期的傳說:瑪麗·安東尼特遇見了還是幼兒的天才莫扎特。 他為皇家表演了一個短的音樂會。 當女皇問他想要什麼作為獎勵時, 莫扎特這樣回答,他希望能在婚禮上與女皇最小女兒牽手(更多的是對女皇的調侃。)

瑪麗·安東尼特的姐姐們很快與歐洲各個皇族聯姻。 大女兒瑪麗亞·克里斯蒂娜嫁給了荷蘭攝政王, 瑪麗亞·阿瑪麗亞與帕爾馬王子結婚,瑪麗·安東尼特最喜愛的姐姐瑪麗亞·卡羅萊納和那不勒斯國王Ferdinand結婚。

作為孩子,她是迷人和守規矩的,瑪麗·安東尼特幾乎沒有受過真正的教育。 她反覆無常,在藝術和閱讀方面幾乎什麼也不懂。 她的法語很差,而且只願意說德語。但是 當她的姐姐Johanna-Gabriella1762年死於天花後,瑪麗·安東尼特成為了下個介入在她的母親的政治遊戲中的孩子。

奧地利和法國簽訂了一個新的和平條約,這使從1494年開始的間歇性的戰爭有希望結束。路易十五的繼承人是他的孫子Louis-Auguste,計劃中, 他應該與瑪麗亞·特裡薩的女兒之一結婚。由於Johanna-Gabriella的死亡, 就決定了瑪麗·安東尼特會送到法國與王儲結婚。

當瑪麗亞·特裡薩問預言家她的女兒在法國是否會幸福,他回答:「有十字架來保證。」 1770年4月瑪麗·安東尼特離開維也納,此時她十四歲。女皇對她嗚咽的女兒的告別詞是:「別了, 我最親愛的孩子。 要對法國人民非常好,讓他們能說我為他們送來一個天使。」 


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