Melbourne Cup是一個讓澳洲人瘋狂的日子,雖然這場賽馬盛宴只有在Melbourne舉行,但這精采的比賽可是全澳洲都會轉播呢! 每年只要接近這個日子到來,店家就會開始販賣華麗的洋裝還有帽子,連電視報紙會開始製作"著衣作戰"特集 ,因為"打扮"可也是這重要節日的特別一環. 賽馬會上可以看到許多打扮光鮮的男女,手拿美酒談笑風生; 比賽時一匹匹精壯的馬兒正在盡牠們最大的力量來比上一場 ,美酒,華衣,賽馬; 構成了一個帶有濃濃英國情懷的節慶. 在Victoria省今天可是國定假日呢!! 只可惜我身處的是昆士蘭省沒辦法感受到那麼濃厚的氣息, 不過 也不太差啦! 至少今天就發生了一件非常有趣的事情. 租屋處的洗碗機壞了, 因此保險公司需要送一臺新的過來 ,屋主本來說十一點半到十二點半之間會過來, 但臨時通知我會改到十二點半到一點半之間, 於是我那邊也不敢去 一直在家裡等, 一轉眼都已經兩點半了 ,還是不見屋主人影 ,正當我快闔上眼小睡時, 屋主終於來了! 等搬運人員離去之後屋主向我訴說她的憤怒 "我十二點半就在樓下等他們 到了一點他們說會比預定時間晚二十分鐘到, 本來以為今天是陰雨天所以他們才會這麼慢 ,怎知道他們出現時竟有濃濃的啤酒味 ,而且還是等看完了Melbourne Cup的賽事後才姍姍來遲!!"屋主的臉都被他們氣紅啦! 難怪剛那個搬運人員進來後不發一語, 臉色很臭. 屋主說"如果他們要看比賽 可以早點跟我說然後改時間,別讓我在那邊傻傻的等!".
人們因Melbourne Cup而怠忽工作也是時有所聞,屋主就不要生氣啦! 雖然很想這樣說 ,但是我這種勇氣!多年前剛到澳洲讀語言時剛巧也碰到了這個節日, 只見整個語言學校上從老師下到學生沒有一個人是有新思上課的 ,後來乾脆搬來大電視大家一起看賽馬, 老師還問大家要不要下注小賭一下! 後來有個黑黑亮眼的日本小女生連贏了兩場, 贏了好幾十塊呢!!其實Melbourne Cup與英國的Royal Ascot感覺很相像, 另外Melbourne也是全澳洲最具有英國氣息的城市 我想這是為什麼我這麼著迷於墨爾本了吧!!
UK for everyone: Royal Ascot
Few sporting venues can match Ascot Racecourse for heritage and history. It is a national institution and the centrepiece of the British summer social calendar, as well as being the ultimate stage for the world's best thoroughbred horses.
Steeped in tradition and pageantry, Ascot was founded in 1711 by Queen Anne. The first race, Her Majesty's Plate, had a purse of 100 guineas.
An 1813 Act of Parliament ensured the grounds would remain a public racecourse and in 1913 another Act created the Ascot Authority which manages the course.
It stages 25 racing days a year, with the most prestigious race — the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes — run in July.
Royal Ascot is spread over five days every June. It attracts over 300,000 racegoers and is a kaleidoscope of colour, fashion and glamour. It is Europe's most popular race meeting and attracts equine contenders from as far as Australia and New Zealand. The quality of the bloodstock is outstanding, with over $3 million in prize money on offer.
There is usually a Royal Procession on each day of Royal Ascot. The Queen and royal party enter the racecourse in horse-drawn landaus and slowly head for the Royal Enclosure and Parade Ring. Everyone is keen to see what Queen Elizabeth is wearing each day, particularly in the millinery department.
There were four Australian entries in 2007's Royal Ascot and the trophy was won by Miss Andretti, ridden by Craig Newitt and trained by Lee Freedman. Paul Perry's horst Choisir won in 2004, so horses from Australia are making their presence felt, just as horses from the northern hemisphere are having great success running in the Melbourne Cup.
Royal Ascot general public tickets start at around $35 in the Silver Ring area and $126 for general admission. The heath is around $17 per person on the day. It will next run on June 17-21, 2008.
Prices quoted correct at July 26 2007.
Berkshire, 30 minutes from London.
For further information
Ascot Racecourse
Berkshire SL5 7JX
Ph: 44 (0)870 727 8765
Fax: +44(0)870 460 1248